Tiny landscapes made out of food

16 01 2009


The title of this post really says it all. Artist, Carl Warner, has created little vignettes out of food that he aptly calls, “Foodscapes” (get it? Food + Landscape) and I am totally in love with them. On days like today when it is -18 degrees below zero outside in beautiful Vermont, I want to crawl into these little lands of food and live in harmony with the cheese castle and bread mountains, I can almost smell the produce-scented breeze from here. Mmmmm…. Follow this link to see more exceptionally delicious foodscapes from Carl Warner:


This makes my insides hurt with love

16 01 2009


This makes me feel all squiggly on the inside, I love it so much that it makes my insides hurt. Where can I get one and how soon can it be delivered? I have been saying this for years, but when are scientists going to come around and focus on what should be their main concern: Stunting animals in the baby stage so that they will never grow. This is where the future is – stunted growth in baby animals.

The 18th Duggar has arrived

19 12 2008

The Duggars


Oh sweet holy baby Jesus… It has arrived. The 18th Duggar child is now alive and among us. The Duggars, keeping with their super cool trend of naming their children with names that start with “J” have annointed the blessed one with the name Jordyn. We can now all rest in peace knowing that these crazy cult-like freaks have 18 healthy children that will each soon have 18 cult-like freak children of their own.

Do you think Jesus gave them baby Jordyn (I really can’t get passed that glorious and stately name) for Christmas? I do!

I love America. Sigh.

I have an unhealthy obsession with The Real Housewives of Atlanta

26 11 2008


I don’t know if any of you have been following the joy that is The Real Housewives of Atlanta, but I am totally obsessed. Especially with Kim Zolciak, some hideous chick with gigantic breasts and the fakest hair you have ever seen. I can’t get over the above photo as I have to believe it is Kim’s weave – poor thing couldn’t stand being on Kim’s head anymore and so it up and ran away.

Anyweavy, last night was the reunion show and they asked Kim about her fake hair. Now, a normal person would simply say, “I like it and its my choice to wear this atrocious weave. I think it looks glamourous.” But not our Kimmy! No, no… She had to go and tell the BIGGEST LIE ever witnessed on cable television. She went and said that she wears the wig because she lost her hair to cancer. BUT (and now this is the best part), she then quickly goes on to say, “they thought I had cancer, but I didn’t”.

I LOVE this! I mean, this woman is such an imbecile she doesn’t realize that it is CHEMO that makes you lose your hair, not cancer. Oy, some people should not be allowed to speak. Actually I take that back, Kim should be allowed to speak whenever she wants as she entertains the hell out of me.

Click here to see the biggest lie in the history of the universe. You really should watch it. I especially love when the interviewer/moderator/zoo keeper asks her if she had cancer and she nods her head! LIES I TELL YOU… LIES!

God bless America.

Holy shit, Britney Spears is making sense!

26 11 2008

Breaking news: Britney Spears and I share an opinion.

“In her new fly-on-the-wall documentary for MTV, [Britney Spears] is caught during a candid moment shopping with her assistant. As she holds up a blouse, she says, ‘Look, this is very mommy.’ Her assistant replies, ‘It’s very ugly.’ Britney wrinkles her nose and laughs, ‘It is very Katie Holmes.'”

Britney is right, people. Katie Holmes dresses like poop. Please see the below photo for a specific example. WHO IS DRESSING THIS WOMAN?!?! It’s sacriledge really, I mean to have all of that money, all of those designers at your disposal, all of those FREE CLOTHES that people throw at her, and she wears this?!?! She should be sent to prison for becoming the doudiest woman alive. Ugh, she is annoying.


Ahhh Whitney and Bobby

26 11 2008

You know, I momentarily forgot about these crack heads and their crazy crackiness, but word on the street is these two lovahs are getting back together. I think it’s a beautiful thing, I mean who else (besides crack) could ever love these people? True love is majestic to watch.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Ahhh Whitney and Bobby“, posted with vodpod

Hot Dogs and Halloween… Just a couple of my favorite things

28 10 2008

I am totally making these things this week. Look at how cute they are! I love them and want to pop them into my mouth one at a time while the other succulent Mummy Dogs watch in horror. Tasty. In case you want to make them, click on the photo for the recipe.

Who knew Germans were so funny?

10 09 2008

HAHAAHA AHAHAHA AHAHA! Oh ya, this is good. Watch to witness the glory that is some German guy making fun of Will Smith to his face. Plus this guy does a Will Smith impression better than Will Smith. Brilliant. Germans, I forgive you for the Holocaust after this, but you all have to write a thank you letter to the guy with the Ukulele.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Who knew Germans were so funny?“, posted with vodpod

Fun with ceramics

10 09 2008

Where the hell can I get my hands on one of these little gems? Little Krissy would go crazy for this joy. Come on, people it’s ceramic Bunny Porn! Note how he (I can only assume that the one not in a dipped position is the male) is cupping her bunny boob and how she looks like she wants to hop the fork out of there… This is good stuff.

Ridiculous, but very funny

10 09 2008

Here are Sally & Johnny; apparently black people love them. Hilarious. Click on the link to check it out.


Put some forking clothes on

10 09 2008

Does Mariah Carey the Whore really think that this is age appropriate? Me thinks not, my friends. Me think she looks like a skanky trollop. Why can’t she remember the always pertinent fashion advice of, “if you wear something short on the bottom, cover your top”. Or, you can flip that, say it in reverse and abide by that rule as well. Does anyone think this is attractive? I mean besides Nick Cannon.

I am such a Weepy Wendy

10 09 2008

This actually made me weep a little bit, granted I am ridiculous and bawl every time that I watch Extreme Home Makeover, but the addition of Joshua Radin singing in the background really knives me in the gut. Watch it, I swear you’ll be moved.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about "I am such a Weepy Wendy", posted with vodpod

True talent can’t be faked

7 09 2008

Oh sweet Jesus… This is the best music video that I have ever seen in my entire life. I simply can’t fathom how this woman hasn’t been plucked up by a top record company – Her looks, her voice, her talent! She makes me want to jump and scream like a ten year old girl at a Miley Cyrus concert.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “The Worst Music Video Ever Video“, posted with vodpod

Sweet infomercials

7 09 2008


Aha! WordPress fixed my embedding issue with videos and now it is working brilliantly! Just in time, too! Check out the Flavorwave Turbo brought to you by everyone’s favorite ’80s tv star, Mr. T.

First of all, isn’t Flavorwave Turbo the best product name ever?!?! Second of all, it looks like some sort of lab-produced habitat for sea monkeys with a crazy bike helmet attached to the top. Third of all, what do you think the chances are that this thing was actually Mr. T’s idea? Fifty bucks says he chose the name though.

Words of wisdom…

6 09 2008


This is sick, but hilarious. These people should be shot for having so many children, or maybe just sterilized and then then forced to watch their hoard of children be euthanized.

I know… I’m totally going to hell, but come on! There’s like 300 of them! And you know those kids want to kill their parents, too. How many sets of hand-me-downs is that baby going to be forced to wear? I guarantee these kids get the crap beaten out of them every day at school. Although there are enough of them to form their own SWAT team, which is probably why they have all managed to survive this long in the first place.

Overpopulation is not a joke. I bet any amount of money these people are Evangelical Christians… Or maybe just Mormon. I mean, you never see Jews with swarms of dirty children following their parents. I think the other Jews would frown upon that scene.

Joyous photo of the day

6 09 2008


Doesn’t this strike you as a modern day portrait of Adam and Eve? Beauty has never radiated this poetically before. I wept a little from joy when I saw this masterpiece. And, I can tell you right now, that as soon as I get knocked up I am running down to Sears and reproducing this blessed shot with whomever is lucky enough to have pregger’d me up! JOY!

Sneaker Burger!

6 09 2008

Yep, I am really into the random posts right now. The internet is an amazing series of tubes on which you can find all the joy in the world. Sneaker Burger is just a tasty tidbit of what is out there. Yummy.


Bottle Rocket!

6 09 2008



This post is totally random, but I just came across this poster image from Criterion.com of the movie, Bottle Rocket, and I was reminded of how much I love this dang movie! I think I am going to Netflick the crap out of it ASAP and re-watch it. Bueno.

If you don’t want to hear me rant about politics, skip this one

6 09 2008



This country is ridiculous… Ok, maybe it’s not the country, it could just be Republicans. Yes, yes… I know that I rage about this topic all the time, but SERIOUSLY… I just don’t get it. Doesn’t anybody listen to what is coming out of these peoples’ mouths? Is the Republican Party sedating their constituents with Special K and then propping them chairs and then waving their arms and heads with string – a la marionette-style?


Today my issue is with oil and the utter retardation of our fearless leader. This is serious stuff, people. We are being led by morons, I tell you… Morons!


The Republicans want to keep on drillin’. They want to tap into our country’s last natural resource way up in Alaska and rip that shit out of the ground because it will allow us (now this is their words, not mine) “10 whole years of oil independence”. 


AAAAHH! Now, there are so many things wrong with this I don’t even know where to start. First of all, the US of A uses 25% of the entire planet’s oil, but we only produce 3%. This equals hundreds of billions of dollars every year spent on importing oil from the Middle East, which (now listen closely ’cause this is where it affects you) is causing HUGE price increases at the pumps. 


Now, they think that 10 measly years worth of oil is going to stop our dependence on oil from the Middle East? WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO AFTER THE 10 YEARS ARE UP?!?! 


Now, here’s a part that Big Oil and the Republican Party never mention on tv. It will take a minimum of SIX YEARS to actually find and harvest any oil here in America. At that point, we will have been paying exorbitant amounts at the pumps and after everything the total amount of oil found will equal about .002% of the world’s oil supply. Come on, people!


Meanwhile, Exxon/Mobile reports another quarter of record profits! Yay for them! We should totally trust everything that comes out of their mouths because clearly they have our best intentions in mind.


Don’t be suckers, stay informed and VOTE! Here are some final thoughts to keep in mind as we zone-in on election day ’08:
* Once we have the dang oil, we still need to refine it! This means building more refineries in America, which the Big Oil Boys LOVE ’cause it means a simple way to increase their output and produce more money to stuff in their already over-flowing pockets. AND, where do they think we are going to build these refineries? They pollute tons and are the antithesis of “environmentally sound”. You can be sure as hell that no one wants to live next to one of these bad boys.


* Even if we do manage to harvest and refine this .002% of the world’s oil there’s no guarantee that it will actually wind up in American cars and homes. Currently over 90% of all the oil produced in America winds up in the foreign market. It’s shipped to places like Europe where they pay twice as much for it as we do, which means more money for the Oil Boys. So you see, these self-promoting “America Loving” companies have ZIPPO intention of keeping this extra oil here at home. Absolutement NON. This plan has no benefit to the American people at all, unless your Daddy happens to work in the oil business, in which case you’re probably on a yacht in the Riviera and don’t give two shiz shakes about any of this. 


Think about it people- this is our environment, our relations with other countries, and our wallets at stake. Don’t forget to register to vote, and please (sweet Jesus) VOTE FOR ANYONE OTHER THAN JOHN MCCAIN IN NOVEMBER!

Crazy pussy

6 09 2008

Now, I don’t think of myself as a cat person, in fact I want to kill people who have those quirky cat posters hanging on their walls; you know, the ones with the inspirational sayings. However, these are just plain funny and so I will post and share the joy… Enjoy.




Apparently Jesus is Hitler

6 09 2008


I think it’s the ‘stache that gave Him away, what do you think?


Check it out:  http://www.sprengmeister.org/nsfw/jesusishitler/

Baby sluts are extremely funny

6 09 2008

I love Gallery of the Absurd. If you have never checked it out you really should, it’s mildly brilliant. 

Anyslutty, below is a portrayal of every tots favorite tv star, Dora the Explorer if she were trying to compete with the Bratz market. Hilarious.


High class trailer livin’

6 09 2008


Yeppers, this thing is BAD ASS. This little number was revealed in Düsseldorf at the Caravan Salon and it has convinced me to become a better person: I’m getting this here trailer, parkin’ her down at the waterfront, and livin’ out the rest of my days in class and luxury on Easy Street. Check out these interior shots:


Nope… You’re still not funny, Microsoft

5 09 2008










Recently Microsoft has paid like 12 bajillion dollars to have Jerry Seinfeld create some “funny” ads. Apparently those Mac ads where they compare Microsoft to a stodgy old man left them feeling inadequate and irrelevant. However, their new “funny” ads are anything but. Watch this horrible piece of crap and judge for yourself. Personally it makes me want to run out and buy 300 Macs just to spite them.

Click the link below.


So pretty…

4 09 2008

Don’t do meth… Period. Ugh, her face makes me want to run far, far away and hide under something or someone beautiful. Cracky Crazy.

So fast, so shiny, so gooogly!

4 09 2008


Download Chrome, the new web browser from Google. You won’t be sorry, this shiz is CRAZY fast and super user friendly. I heart Chrome. One love.

Republicans make me want to cry soggy tears of fear

4 09 2008

WordPress mildly sucks as a blog site ‘ cause it won’t let me embed videos – What’s up with that? Whatever, I digress. You MUSTclick on this link to witness the wonder that is John Stewart and morons that make up our Nation’s Republican Party. Trust me… It’s worth it.


Joyous Photo of the Day

26 08 2008

This little  gem is something that I found while scrolling through MySpace music, it’s the profile pic of some band from… Wait for it… Canada. Yup, we all knew it had to be a Canadian, those crazy Canucks. Thank you, Canada. Joy!

Coolio Design-o

26 08 2008

So this designer in NYC, David Byrne, loves to ride his bike around the city. And, as a result of said passion he designed these pretty forking cool bike racks that I totally dig… Check ’em out.

Hold me closer, Tiny Dancer

26 08 2008

Tiny Dancer, a 4 inch tall Chihuahua from Florida died today, let us all take a moment of silence and then direct our wrath at God. This lighter-sized bundle of joy was only 2 years old, which is probably like 467 in tiny dog years. Oh the horror. This is what his crazy owner, Jenny Gomez had to say:

“I have lost the love of my life…my Tiny Dancer! He gave me so much to look forward to and he enriched so many lives with his Therapy Dog work! God why did you take him from me so soon…I still need him so much! My heart is breaking into little pieces and I can’t stop crying! I know it will get better…I don’t want it to…I want my baby back! I feel like I can’t breath…It’s really hard to see thru the tears…I know I have lots of other animals that need me…but…I need my little man back!

Sorry for going on and on…but, I have no other outlet other than here! God…Please take care of my Tiny Dancer…I will see you again one day…I love you soooooo much!”

Yep, Tiny Dancer probably committed suicide due to the fact that his owner is clearly insane. Hold me closer Tiny Dancer, indeed.